
Prigozhin rebels, seizes Rostov and parts of Voronezh, threatens Moscow, but then suddenly changes his mind

24 hours ago, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner Group, a mercenary paramilitary formation, openly rebelled against the government of the Russian Federation (ref. 1). He withdrew his forces, about 25000 strong armed with tanks and anti-aircraft missiles, from the battlefield of Ukraine and moved them into the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, seizing the military HQ and the airport of that city. Subsequently, Wagner reach the city of Voronezh and took up some positions there. A contingent of the group also began to drive towards Moscow. Prigozhin called it a “Justice March” against the Russian Defence Ministry for the supposed bloodshed or betrayal or both of his troops, which according to others never happened. Analysts say, Prigozhin’s feud with the Russian Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu and with General Valery Gerasimov seems to be more about his personal ambition for greater power in Russia than anything else. Appearing on Russian television, President Vladimir Putin described these actions of Prigozhin and Wagner as “treason”. He also said that anyone that takes part in this “mutiny” is a “traitor” and would be punished accordingly. The FSB, Russia’s domestic intelligence agency, formally opened a criminal case against Prigozhin for “armed mutiny”. The Russian National Guard, Rosgvardiya, which is controlled directly by the president, a kind of Praetorian Guard, was put on high alert and deployed in and around Moscow. Roadblocks were also hurriedly set up. Some Russian citizens also took it upon themselves to block highways with tractors and whatnot. A contingent of Kadyrov’s Chechens positioned themselves in the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don to take on Wagner. In one encounter near Voronezh, Wagner and a Russian army helicopter exchanged fire. Shortly after that, a Russian fixed wing aircraft was shot down by Wagner. In response, the Russian military bombed an oil depot in Voronezh to deny Wagner more fuel. At this stage, it seemed like civil war had begun. But then, out of the blue, a deal was brokered by Belarus’s Alexander Lukashenko. In exchange for amnesty and asylum in Belarus, Prigozhin agreed to call off Wagner’s march towards Moscow, and to give up his paramilitary formation (ref. 1). So, the crisis has been averted.

Channel 4 on Prigozhin’s armed rebellion against Russia

Now, it is very interesting that Prigozhin recently described the Russian Defence Ministry led by Sergei Shoigu as “evil” (ref. 2). The use of the word “evil”, of all words, tells me that Prigozhin’s motives are supernatural. Prigozhin’s demeanour and his bizarre rants on social media also suggest the presence of demons. For those who don’t know, Shoigu is a Russian Orthodox Christian, and as I have said before, Vladimir Putin is the rider of the white horse of the first seal of the apocalypse, which means Putin is likewise a Christian, someone given a stephanos, a crown of victory. There is also the Russian General Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin, who is serving Shoigu. Surovikin’s is described by his colleagues as, wait for it, “General Armageddon”. All this means, Prigozhin must be the one who is evil, or who has come under the control of evil.

Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…

Isaiah 5:20

Before Wagner, Prigozhin was a chef, at first a hot-dog seller. Before that, he spent nine years in prison for “robbery and fraud” (ref. 3), so Prigozhin has long been inclined towards evil.

And because iniquity [think the evil of demons] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Matthew 24:12

His recent wealth has also filled him with hubris.

On top of all that, drugs might be a factor. Remember, every drug user is in effect a zombie for the Devil.

One former Kremlin official says, “He went nuts, flew into a rage and went too far. He added too much salt and pepper. What else do you expect from a chef?” (ref. 4)

It is certainly madness to think that a 25000 paramilitary force could defeat the Rosgvardiya and the rest of the Russian military. He could have cost Russia lives and property, but he would never have prevailed.

A similar army vs paramilitary conflict is going on in North Sudan. I think, it is no coincidence that the very Islamic RSF paramilitary was armed to some extent by Wagner (ref. 5).

With hindsight, Wagner has also made a mess of Mali, to the benefit of Islamists over there. I recall, France withdrew from Mali, and the fight against Islamists in the Sahel, because of Wagner.

Now more than ever, it is a bad idea to arm ex-convicts and drug users. Certainly, an ex-convict or a drug user should not be given command.

The situation reminds me of the film Apocalypse Now (1979), wherein a Colonel Kurtz has lost his mind and so his command must be terminated.

Apocalypse Now (1979) trailer

As to why Prigozhin suddenly changed his mind and backed off, that too must be supernatural. After all, the national anthem of the Russian Federation goes, “You are unique in the world, one of a kind – This native land protected by God!”


1. ABC (25 June 2023), “Wagner mercenaries turn away from Moscow after Belarus brokers deal between Putin and Prigozhin — as it happened”, abc.net.au

2. Jake Epstein (24 June 2023), “Wagner boss Prigozhin says Russia’s evil defense ministry must be stopped in latest shocking provocation”, businessinsider.com

3. James Robinson (24 June 2023), “Yevgeny Prigozhin: The former hot dog seller and thug who became Wagner boss at centre of mutiny”, skynews.com

4. Max Seddon (25 June 2023), “He went nuts: how Putin’s caterer served a dish of high treason”, ft.com

5. Nima Elbagir, et al (21 April 2023)”Exclusive: Evidence emerges of Russia’s Wagner arming militia leader battling Sudan’s army”, cnn.com