
Penny Wong, merely a senator, should not be Australia’s foreign minister

Standing at the podium of the United Nations General Assembly, Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong called for a ceasefire and an international declaration of Palestinian statehood (ref. 1). She called for a ceasefire in Gaza as well as in Lebanon, and she offered Australian taxpayer funds in the order of millions of dollars to both Gaza and Lebanon, on humanitarian grounds.

First of all, when the British mandate ended in 1947, the UN did propose partitioning the land into 2 independent states, one Arab and the other Jewish. However, the Arabs rejected the idea, and in 1948 they declared war on the new Jewish state, with the intent of taking it all. The Arabs lost that war. Then, in 1967, they tried again. And in 1973, they tried yet again. But on every occasion, the Arabs could not win.

Since the beginning of nation states, ultimately, land has been claimed by the sword.

So, this call for an international declaration of Palestinian statehood, without any negotiation between Israel and the Palestinians, amounts to a call for the world to take away land from the nation of Israel by force. I don’t think Penny Wong actually understands what she is calling for. Would Australia now go to war against Israel for the Palestinians?

Keep in mind also that a Palestinian state would be free to arm itself further and wage war forevermore on what remains of Israel.

Did you know that it is a rule in the religion of Islam that once a land has been conquered by Islam, if it is lost it must be taken back by Islam? Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-Harb, and all that. This is the reason why Islam covets all of Jerusalem, and will never stop.

In other news, Australia, led by this foreign minister, is set to take the Taliban of Afghanistan to court in the hope of fixing the problem of gender discrimination over there (ref. 2). Australia is joining Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands in a legal action at the ICJ. Today, in Afghanistan, women are compelled to wear the full burqa, and are denied education, and are even prohibited from speaking at all in public. But these are the rules of Islam in Afghanistan.

So, whereas Penny Wong is for Islam in regard to Palestinian statehood, she is against Islam in regard to the women of Afghanistan. This means, she does not know what is going on and she is confused.

Speaking of Islam, what about Iraq? In Iraq, a few months ago, there was a draft law that would allow men to marry 9 year old girls (ref. 3).

Before the Americans toppled Saddam Hussein under the pretext of weapons of mass destruction, apparently the legal age in Iraq was 18 because of British rule. Before the Americans surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and left them vast quantities of military equipment, or at least before the CIA decided to arm Islamic students in Pakistan to overthrow the Soviets in Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting communism, Afghan women were quite different. Then there’s women in Iran before 1953, the year the CIA made a mess of Iran, which led to the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Today, women in Iran must always wear the hijab. Those that refuse are whipped by the morality police.

Not to mention, women in North Sudan who are currently suffering rapes and mutilations due to the civil war over there and the Islamists of the RSF.

At the podium of the UN, Penny Wong decided to wear a red outfit, perhaps a token shout-out to China, or to Australia’s Labor Party. But the red of the flag of China has nothing to do with communism nor anything to do with left-wing politics. For Karl Marx said nothing of the colour red. Rather, the red of China is the same red of the winepress of the wrath of God.

Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.

Isaiah 63:2-3

This is because, at the appointed time, China will do great and terrible things for God, the LORD of hosts, even though today China as a nation knows not God.

I once read that Penny Wong had originally wanted to do medicine. She was clever enough to get into medical school. But she changed her mind because she could not stand the sight of blood.

Anyway, at the UN, Penny Wong also made remarks about light and darkness. The world is “enshrouded in darkness”, she said. That much is true. But then she went on to say, the UN system and its international laws help guide the world out of darkness, and “towards light” (ref. 4).

Actually, the UN is situated in Mystery Babylon, a place now infested with demons (ref. Revelation 18:2). Furthermore, after the day of the LORD, the nations of the world will no longer flow unto Babylon!

And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.

Jeremiah 51:44

The UN building in New York even has a prayer room funded by Lucis Trust, the work of the occultist Alice Bailey. That prayer room is dedicated to the angel Lucifer, also known as Satan. You can’t make this stuff up.

If you don’t believe that America is a place of darkness due to the likes of Freemasonry (ref. Isaiah 23:17) and Skull & Bones, a place destined to suffer the wrath of God, then check out Hurricane Helene, the category 4 storm that devastated Florida recently. At least 64 dead, and millions without power. Helene is French and it comes from the Greek Helen, a name that literally means “light”. I suppose, the message is, light destroys darkness. Freemasonry stems from the Templars, a French order of knights that betrayed Christendom in the Middle Ages.

Alternatively, Hurricane Helene might have been a sign from heaven for a particular saint (ref. “light”, Philippians 2:15), 1 of the 144000, living in America – I don’t know.

Anyway, whether Penny Wong realises it or not, her remarks about light and darkness constitutes blasphemy, a confusing of darkness for light.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…

Isaiah 5:20

This is not unlike the LGBTQ movement’s blasphemy of the colours of the rainbow, which is actually associated with the throne of God in heaven.

And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

Revelation 4:3

So, Penny Wong is confused, to say the least. She is also in a same-sex marriage. She was born in Sabah, the Christian part of Malaysia, a majority Muslim nation in Asia, but at some point she lost her way.

She’s probably very pro-America because spreading LGBTQ worldwide has been America’s agenda. But in time to come, believe it or not, America will submit to Islam, not the other way around. Revelation prophesies that the false prophet of Babylon will advance the cause of the Assyrian, also known as the Antichrist.

Because of her apparent lack of understanding of Islam, Penny Wong should not be Australia’s foreign minister. There is also the fact that she is a senator, what Paul Keating famously described as “unrepresentative swill”. If Penny Wong were to run for an MP seat, she would likely not win, for any number of reasons.

In other news today, Israel has killed the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, through an airstrike (ref. 5). From a Bible prophecy standpoint, this means, Lebanon is now ripe for 1 of the 10 kings of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.

So things are progressing towards the final 3.5 years. Soon, the beast will form. It will be an Islamic caliphate, led by ISIS, whose deadly wound is being healed.

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Revelation 13:3

The only way that the world can be freed from Islam is through a decisive war!

You see, Muslims have been brainwashed into believing that Allah is greater. When the soon-to-form caliphate begins to lose comprehensively, despite all the supernatural power of the Assyrian – the power of Satan and his angels – then Muslims the world over who have not pledged allegiance to the caliph will begin to renounce Islam and see the light of Jesus Christ. This is the only way. Yes, a great many will give bayah to ISIS and they will be damned to hell for it. But those that refuse will be freed from Islam and they will get the opportunity to live happily ever after.

Right now, in Islam, the punishment for apostasy is death by execution. So even if a Muslim in an Islamic nation wanted to renounce Allah because of the preaching of a Christian missionary, it would not be possible.

War and the consequent destruction of Islamic governing authority across the world is the only way.

Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell in the dust: thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them. There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

Nahum 3:18-19

Because of the size of the caliphate and the coming treachery of Babylon, this will be a period of tribulation for Christians everywhere, a test of faith. In the Congo recently, ISIS terrorised dozens of Christians into rejecting Jesus Christ and choosing Allah instead (ref. 6). These individuals have failed their test.

For its part, the state of Israel must go through a baptism of fire, figuratively and then literally.

This final war of mankind, which will result in Armageddon, is necessary to cleanse and correct the world!


1. Gemma Crotty (28 September 2024), “Foreign Minister Penny Wong pushes for timeline on Palestinian statehood recognition in UN General Assembly address”,

2. Dominic Gianni (27 September 2024), “Australia set to take Taliban to court for gender discrimination – as Penny Wong erupts at the regime”,

3. Zainab Al Mashat and Omar Al Jaffal (10 August 2024), “Draft Iraqi law allowing 9-year-olds to marry would legalise child rape, say activists”,

4. ABC (27 September 2024), “Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong warns UN General Assembly that world is enshrouded in darkness”,

5. Brisbane Times (28 September 2024), “Hezbollah confirms its leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike”,

6. Memri (27 September 2024), “Exclusive Report In Islamic State (ISIS) Weekly: Dozens Of Captive Christians Converted To Islam In Democratic Republic Of Congo, Sent Home To Call On Others To Convert Or Face Death: ISIS Operatives Would Rather Guide People Into Islam Than Kill Them”,